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Smart Grid(PFC+SVC)

ClassificationAPPLICATION AREA 425 0

Across the globe, high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems play a crucial role in ensuring power is successfully transmitted over long distances, from the point of generation to the point of consumption. That’s why, first and foremost, today’s HVDC designs must be reliable and efficient. But reducing power losses is not always easy when power is being transmitted across thousands of kilometers. Further, high maintenance systems of the past are undesirable nowadays, so engineers are equally challenged to create low-maintenance designs—Smart grid Rongtech can supply you current/voltage sensor,leakage current sensor High power semiconductors,AC.DC/DC converter,metaled film capacitor,Ceramic capacitor & power resistor,cooling fan & heat sink.

Smart Grid(PFC+SVC)-rongtech

Smart Grid(PFC+SVC)-rongtech

Smart Grid(PFC+SVC)-rongtech

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